Friday, January 23, 2009

Endorsed: Florida's Republican Congressional Delegation

Florida's Republican Congressional Delegation

As Republican members of Florida’s Congressional Delegation we are proud to endorse our National Committeewoman, Sharon Day in her campaign for the position of Secretary of the Republican National Committee.

We can attest to the hard work, dedication and commitment of Sharon as she has worked tirelessly in the trenches at the grassroots level and throughout our very large state. We need to put Sharon’s hard work and leadership skills to work for our party at the national level.

Sharon is a fearless and outspoken grass roots conservative who will help us unite and rebuild our party. Sharon will never ask others to do anything that she is not willing to do herself. In fact, when it comes to politics, she has probably already done it herself.

From fund raising to technology Sharon will not only help but she will lead and inspire. We will appreciate your joining us in supporting Sharon in her campaign for RNC.


Florida's Republican Congressional Delegation